Motivation is Only the Start

There used to be times where my main way of motivating myself to study was by watching other people study. I would study, work on my skills, and read for a few days. However, I was too tired to do anything when that motivation ended. This led to me procrastinating for weeks. Now I know the actual reason this happened: I lacked discipline.


I like to think of motivation and discipline as a sink. The faucet needs to be turned on first to make the water run, but the water can run all by itself afterwards. The faucet is motivation, and the water is discipline.

You will need discipline if you want to study daily. I did this by making studying a habit: I tried to do some type of studying each day, even when I was tired. To do this without a purpose is to kick yourself down a hole—you need a definite goal. I keep myself going by envisioning the future I want to have.

river painting


You’ll smile so wide you’ll have aching cheeks if you do the best you can, but you should never sacrifice your well-being for anything. And you should especially avoid doing so if you wish to perform your greatest. If you sacrifice your well-being, you are sacrificing quality. Take care of yourself! Sleep, eat, play, and do the best you can!

Sincerely, Wordynora.